Golden Image Awards

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Rules for Entry

Entries Open: April 19, 2024
Early Bird Deadline: May 7, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET
EXTENDED Deadline: May 17, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET
Winners Notified: June 19-21, 2024
Golden Image Awards Gala: August 6, 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay

  1. Some part of the entry must have taken place between January 1, 2023, and May 1, 2024.
  2. Entries for the same project may not be entered in more than one category in the same year; however, pieces from an entry may be entered into other categories. For example, a full campaign could be entered in Category 1A – Community Relations, and a component of that campaign could be entered in Category 7B – Brochure.
  3. Entries that win Golden Image Awards may not be re-entered in subsequent years unless there has been substantial change to the entry/project.
  4. Entries must be submitted in the most appropriate Division and Category.
  5. Entries must be submitted electronically using the form fields, as well as three uploaded files: a .pdf for Support Materials, a .jpg, .tiff or .png Graphic file representing the project and a .pdf 50-Word Summary. The titles of all uploaded files should include the name of the entry, division and category. If needed to represent a digital project, additional audio, video or multimedia files may be uploaded. They can also be linked in your Support Materials.
  6. The Support Materials should be a .pdf, titled with name of entry, division, category and the word “Support.” It should contain materials that support or substantiate the information provided in the entry, including research, planning, implementation and evaluation. The first page of the Support Material should be a Table of Contents. Photos, screenshots, news clippings, publications and copies of materials used in the implementation of the program/tool are pertinent, and the project’s budget should be included. Support materials larger than 8½” x 11” format must be photographed, screen shot or otherwise represented in order to fit in the .pdf. Examples of audio, video and multimedia files may be linked in the Support Materials and may also be uploaded separately.
  7. The Graphic representing your entry should be uploaded as a .jpg, .tiff or .png. It will be used during the Golden Image Gala if your entry wins an award. Title the file with the name of the entry, division, category and the word “Graphic.”
  8. The 50-Word Summary should also be uploaded as a .pdf. Title the file with the name of the entry, division, category and “50-Word Summary.”
  9. Additional files may be uploaded, including audio, video and multimedia files. Title each with the entry name, division and category and a descriptive word such as “Video.”
  10. Payment for the entry fees may be submitted online or by check. For checks, please include name of entry, division and category when making payment. Checks made out to FPRA should be mailed to: FPRA Golden Image Awards, 40 Sarasota Center Blvd., Ste. 107, Sarasota, FL 34240.


  • Complete each field in the entry application. Each field has a word limit that you cannot exceed, but you do not need to use all of the space provided.
  • For more information about the fields, character counts for each field, and points available for each field, see the Golden Image Entry Fields and Rubric.
  • You will also be asked to provide a short organizational overview to better acquaint the judges with the submitting organization. This overview is not judged or awarded points by the judges.


  • The Support Materials .pdf, titled with name of entry, division, category and the word “Support,” should contain materials that support or substantiate the information provided in the summary.
  • The first page of the Support Material should be a Table of Contents page indicating information about the information contained within.
  • News clippings, photos, publications and copies of materials used in the implementation of the program/tool are pertinent.
  • Photographs may be incorporated into the “Support” .pdf to represent support materials not available electronically.
  • Examples of audio, video and multimedia materials may also be uploaded as electronic files with the entry name, division and category.


  • The .jpg, .tiff or .png. representing your entry should be titled with the name of the entry, division, category and the word “Graphic.”
  • This image is not judged or awarded points by the judges. This will be used during the Golden Image Gala in the event your entry should win.


  • A 50-Word Summary of the entry must be uploaded as a .pdf. Title the file with the name of the entry, division, category and “50-Word Summary.”
  • This overview is not judged or awarded points by the judges. This will be used during the Golden Image Gala in the event your entry should win.


  • Some part of the entry must have taken place between January 1, 2023, and May 1, 2024.
  • Appropriate Division and Category are selected.
  • All entry fields are completed, and you have uploaded files for Support Materials, Graphic and 50-Word Summary.
  • The Title of your entry is the title you would want printed on an award.
  • Company and individual names are entered exactly as you want them to appear on an award, properly spelled and with appropriate credentials.


  • The judges reserve the right to reclassify entries if deemed necessary.
  • Entries that do not follow all of the Rules for Entry may be disqualified.
  • No part of the entry may be submitted after the deadline.

The decisions of the judges are final.

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