Golden Image Awards

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About the Golden Image Awards

FPRA, the oldest professional association for PR professionals in the U.S., introduced an award program in 1957 to recognize the very best examples of innovation, planning, implementation and results in the field of public relations.

Conducted annually, the Golden Image Awards program provides PR practitioners a platform to be recognized for their outstanding public relations tools and programs. The competition includes four divisions: Public Relations Programs, Collateral of Public Relations, Digital Tools of Public Relations and Student Projects in Public Relations. Each division includes multiple categories, covering including digital and printed endeavors, pitches and promotions, events and more.

Award-winning entries incorporate sound public relations research and planning, production and implementation, execution, achievement and evaluation of results, budget and return on investment.

This year, the Golden Image Awards will accept entries based on work completed between January 1, 2023 and May 1, 2024.

Winners will be recognized during a black-tie optional awards ceremony and gala on August 6, 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay

About the FPRA

The Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) was founded in 1938 by Lt. Col. John W. Dillin, the publicity director for the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, to help PR practitioners “do their jobs better.” More than 85 years later, the organization continues to offer education, professional credentialing, monthly professional development programs and annual conferences to keep its members up-to-date on developments in the ever-changing field of public relations.

While FPRA events are still held in Florida, members from across the country are welcome to join. Monthly professional development events, a catalog of resources, and virtual member mixers, mentoring and events are offered online. FPRA’s signature event, a highly anticipated 3-day PR & Comms Summit, takes place in August each year and features nationally recognized keynote speakers, breakout sessions, networking and social opportunities, as well as the Golden Image Awards Gala.

Ready to Enter?

Entering the Golden Image Awards is easier than ever before. You’ve already done the hard work of developing your PR program or project, now you just need to tell us about it! You’ll fill out a series of questions and upload supporting materials – then cross your fingers and click Submit!

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